The Surprising Fruit that Prevents Plaque Buildup

Often publications have shown how particular foods are bad for teeth because they introduce sugars and acids that promote the development of plaque and tooth decay.  However, since 2005, researchers have been looking to cranberries and cranberry juice as a possible ally in the war on plaque, gum disease and tooth decay.  Dr. Gary Lederman offers professional dental cleanings and restorations to help patients keep their smiles in tip top shape.

So what is magical about cranberries apart from other foods and juices that makes them good for your teeth?  When eaten raw, the texture of the cranberry acts as a detergent food helping to brush sticky plaque forming bacteria away from teeth to be carried off by saliva as you chew.  This property has also been found in apples, celery, and certain cheeses.

But what is most interesting about cranberries and sugarless cranberry juice is the way that researchers have found it inhibits the growth of oral biofilm containing the bacteria streptococcus mutans.  Streptococcus mutans is the main ingredient in the formation of plaque.  Additionally, chemicals in the cranberry juice also reduce inflammation and reduce the production of acids and restore the pH balance of the oral flora.

However, this does not mean that you should run straight to the grocery store and buy just any cranberry juice off the shelf.   Most commercially produced cranberry juice is full of sugar and other additives that can cancel out the benefits of the cranberries.  Scientists have been working since 2005 to find ways to isolate cranberry extracts for inclusion in tooth pastes and mouth wash.

To learn more or schedule your semiannual checkup, contact our office at 516-882-1764.

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