How Sedation Dentistry Can Help You Relax in the Dentist’s Chair

For most people, going to the dentist is one of their least favorite things to do. In fact, that’s often why it gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list. But for some people, the anxiety they experience before and during a dental appointment can be debilitating and may even cause them to forgo dental treatment all together. Dr. Lederman wants his patient to have the most comfortable experience possible while undergoing dental treatments, which is why he offers sedation dentistry. 

Sedation dentistry is a technique used to help patients relax during dental procedures or treatments. It helps ease anxiety associated with dental fear. Because stress can cause patients to become agitated and sometimes less cooperative, procedures can take longer to complete. When patients are in a more relaxed state, it helps expedite the process by eliminating resistance from the patient which in turn allows the dentist to work more quickly. Additionally, if more than one procedure is necessary, your dentist will be able to perform them in one sitting. Sedation dentistry allows patients to be more at ease, making the experience considerably more comfortable.

At our office, our sedation dentistry process doesn’t involve needles. We take a gentler and less invasive approach. Instead, patients take one pill approximately one hour before their visit. You aren’t unconscious but rather in a more relaxed state, making your appointment less stressful and much easier to manage.

If you’re nervous or anxious about your upcoming dental appointment, sedation dentistry might be right for you. Call our office today at 516-882-1764 to request sedation dentistry for you next appointment.

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