Neuromuscular Dentistry

Millions of Americans suffer chronic head, neck and jaw pain due to TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) that has never been diagnosed. Because it is painful, most people first go to their general physician and other specialists for diagnosis. In most cases, that results in no diagnosis and a prescription for pain medication.  This is part of the reason Dr. Lederman has made a long-term commitment to neuromuscular dentistry, to help his patients eliminate chronic TMD pain from their lives.

Dr. Lederman studied neuromuscular dentistry at The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, the leading post-graduate institute for non-invasive treatment of TMJ or tempromandibular joint disorder.  He has also studied at Occlusion Connections with word-renowned instructor Clayton Chan, DDS.

Dr. Lederman has had TMD patients who have suffered the chronic pain for years surviving with medications to treat the symptoms. Using proper neuromuscular diagnostic tests, Dr. Lederman can determine the idea alignment for the jaws. Once the jaws are in proper alignment, the irritation to the surrounding bone and connective tissue diminished, reducing or eliminating the pain and debilitating symptoms associated with TMD.

With the proper diagnosis, Dr. Lederman can adjust the position of the jaws with neuromuscular dentistry, using properly calibrated crowns to adjust a TMJ patient’s bite. With the teeth resting properly, the jaw aligns and the stresses are relieved.

If you or someone you know is suffering chronic head, neck or jaw pain, please schedule a consult with Dr. Lederman to talk about a possible cure with neuromuscular dentistry by calling us for an appointment at 516-882-1764.

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