According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, an estimated 10 million Americans suffer from Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders, or TMJ. The disorder can cause a number of problematic symptoms including jaw pain, stiffness and even lock jaw. Dr. Lederman has extensive post-graduate training in neuromuscular dentistry and works with his patients to treat this condition with the best individualized course of treatment. One step in the neuromuscular treatment process that may be beneficial for some patients is TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

TENS treatments for TMJ are an electric massage used to relax the jaw muscles. Electrodes are attached to the patient’s face to stimulate the facial muscles and nerves. The end goal is full relaxation of the muscles to help your dentist determine proper jaw position. Once your dentist is able to achieve this, he or she can access whether additional treatments are necessary.

TENS treatments also trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural pain relieving chemicals, and as such, they often lessen symptoms associated with TMJ.

For many patients, TENS treatment can provide relief of their TMJ-related symptoms. Though patients are initially and painless Patients feel rhythmic taps on their face that may trigger a tingling sensation. The intensity of the treatments can also be adjusted to accommodate the patient’s comfort level.

Whether TENS or another neuromuscular treatment option is the best course of action for TMJ, Dr. Lederman’s patients can rest assured that he will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. To schedule your consult, contact our office today at 516-882-1764.


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