Five Things to Help Ease TMJ Disorder Pain


If you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, you already know how painful this often debilitating condition can be. Unfortunately, sometimes finding relief for that pain is nearly impossible. The good news is that with neuromuscular dentistry, TMJ disorder pain can subside and you can go back to living a normal, pain-free life. But in the meantime, lingering pain doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks. Here are some tips and tricks you can try to help ease TMJ disorder pain, whether you’re under treatment for the condition or not.

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7028 Hits

Physical Therapy Can Complement TMJ Treatment


If you have temporomandibular joint disorder, you know the pain and frustration that usually goes along with it: stiff neck and jaw, headaches, back aches and ringing ears, just to name a few. It can often feel like neuromuscular dentistry treatment isn’t working fast enough, and there’s nothing you can do to ease the pain in the interim. But there’s a treatment you may not have considered, and it works concurrently with your neuromuscular dentistry treatment: physical therapy.

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2902 Hits
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