Caring for Temporary Crowns

Getting a dental crown can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, but the procedure is nothing to be afraid of. Think of your crown as a deluxe filling – the Cadillac of fillings, if you will. A crown is a great way to restore your tooth without being obvious. If your dentist recommends you have a crown put on, congratulations – most likely your natural tooth can be saved!

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4162 Hits

Robots Helping Shape the Future of Dentistry

Yo-yos, matchbox cars, dolls and tin robots - they’re all classic toys, but one of them could soon be changing the way we practice dentistry. Today’s robots do way more than the robot toys of yesteryear - today we use robots for everything from cleaning floors to diffusing bombs - but a new wave of robots could soon help care for your oral health.

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  3738 Hits
3738 Hits
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