Dental care can be expensive, especially when it’s not covered by insurance. Much of the cosmetic dental work done in America is not covered, making cosmetic dentistry a significant investment in one's health and well-being. Thankfully there are options such as health savings accounts and financing, but for some people there’s a new option that is making headlines around the country. There has been a recent increase in interest in something called "tourism dentistry," where American dental patients go to other countries for dental work. Proponents say it’s both cheaper and "just as good" as the care you might receive domestically. But is that really true?
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Yo-yos, matchbox cars, dolls and tin robots - they’re all classic toys, but one of them could soon be changing the way we practice dentistry. Today’s robots do way more than the robot toys of yesteryear - today we use robots for everything from cleaning floors to diffusing bombs - but a new wave of robots could soon help care for your oral health.
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