Hidden Causes of Dry Mouth

We’ve probably all experienced a dry mouth at one point or another, thanks to dehydration. But what you may not know is that there’s a different type of dry mouth - chronic dry mouth - that can be much more difficult to get rid of than by simply drinking water. For this type of dry mouth, there can be many causes that you may not even realize are there.

Dry mouth is more than just an uncomfortable inconvenience. It can cause cavities because the lack of saliva in your mouth means you aren’t washing away harmful plaque bacteria in your mouth. If you’re wondering why your mouth is always dry, here are just a few surprise causes of dry mouth, and what you can do to fix it.

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3215 Hits

Mouth May Offers Signs of Celiac

Do you suffer from frequent canker sores? Do you always seem to have dry mouth? These could be caused by many things that are no cause for alarm, but they could also be warning signs of a bigger problem: celiac disease. Celiac disease has several of what are known as "oral manifestations" – physical symptoms that occur in the mouth that may indicate the presence of celiac disease in the body. If you are experiencing any one or more of these indicators, you may have the condition.

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3345 Hits

Dry Mouth? It Could Be Sjogren’s Syndrome

For most people, dry mouth is a minor annoyance that can be easily fixed by having a glass of water. But what happens when water isn’t enough, and that dry mouth never really goes away? For the estimated 4 million Americans who suffer from an autoimmune disorder called Sjogren’s Syndrome, this problem can be an uncomfortable reality.

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2939 Hits
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